Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Drucker's Management Style in Industry Application Assignment

Drucker's Management Style in Industry Application - Assignment Example This means that managing without a goal can never guarantee the achievement of results. Managers are therefore admonished to at every point in time, set specific, time-bound and measurable goals that are realistic to achieve. Organises – Because managers work with different people with different talents, they must be on top of the distribution of roles to different people (Thompson and McHugh, 2009). This is what organisation is all about. Motivates and communicates – In the delivery of their duties, motivating subordinates will always ensure that managers spark up an inner will for performance to take place (Arnold, J. et al, 2005). Communication will also ensure that there is adequate understanding of policies and workplace ideas. Measures – There should be yardsticks that should measure the achievement of goals set by managers. It is only when there is a measure that can be evaluation of achievements and failures. Develop people – Though managers will a lways have a task to perform, the major task should be seen as the development of people through distribution of right roles (Bailey, 1983). This is because it is only when people are developed that tasks becomes competed because tasks are always completed by the people. 1.12 Drucker’s Management by Objective framework In order that managers will not at any point in time be too focused on their tasks and forget the actual underlying objectives for which the tasks are being performed, Drucker (1989) came out with the framework of managing by objectives, which came to be known as MBO. The major emphasis that the framework draws is that goal setting is always an important aspect of management. Goal setting is important to management implementation because it sets the tone for the kind of planning that needs to be done and the levels of inputs needed to achieve the set goals (Clegg, Hardy & Nord, 1996). As part of the framework, the need to make team work an important focus of su ccess is treated. This is because managers indeed cannot know what each member on the team is doing but once clear objectives are assigned to each member, managers can be assured that members on the team will work around their objectives to bring about the achievement of set goals (Drucker, 1989). 1.2 Advantages of Drucker’s method to the Fashion Industry The management models, put forth by Drucker, more importantly the five point operation in management has several advantages when applied in the modern day fashion industry. Using Adidas, which is a German multinational corporation as an example, there are a number of ways that the management of the company can be said to have benefited from the application of the five point operation management proposed by Drucker (1989). In this regard, Mr. Herbert Hainer, who is the chairman of Adidas, can be used as a model and example. As far as the setting of objectives is concerned, Adidas is one company that has been praised by analys ts and experts in the management literature as having specific objectives for each day of the company’s existence (Scott, 2013). This is because in line with what Drucker proposes; Mr. Hainer ensures that the company does not only operate on long term goals but on short to medium term objectives that are always crafted around various departments and

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