Friday, May 22, 2020

Holocaust Denial and Distortion Essay - 2228 Words

â€Å"One is astonished in the study of history at the recurrence of the idea that evil must be forgotten, distorted, skimmed over. The difficulty, of course, with this philosophy is that history loses its value as an incentive and example; it paints perfect men and noble nations, but it does not tell the truth.† -W.E.B Du Bois, Black Reconstruction, 1935 As early as age thirteen, we start learning about the Holocaust in classrooms and in textbooks. We learn that in the 1940s, the German Nazi party (led by Adolph Hitler) intentionally performed a mass genocide in order to try to breed a perfect population of human beings. Jews were the first peoples to be put into ghettos and eventually sent by train to concentration camps like Auschwitz†¦show more content†¦As Hajime Tokuno describes it, â€Å"Deniers have subjugated science, in this case historical science, to a political agenda, creating a pseudoscience called Holocaust Denial† (Tokuno 2). The problem with both of these claims, and history in general, is that unless someone is actually at an event experiencing something, he or she has no way of knowing exactly what went on at a given time and date. If a person needs to rely on sources other than themselves to learn the past, a primary source needs to be the first place looked. Speaking with a Holocaust survivor, seeing a picture from Nazi Germany at this time, or reading the diaries like that of a girl hiding from the Gestapo allows for the closest possible link from today to the days of the past. These items are the ones that will tell the story closest to the truth, and are the ones that need to be trusted. Holocaust deniers will tend to believe what they hope to be true, or what is beneficial for their case, even if it does not historically match up. In order to fully comprehend exactly what is being disputed by these Holocaust deniers, it is necessary to first have all the facts of what the general population accepts as truth. In basic terms, six million Jews were intentionally annihilated betweenShow MoreRelatedThe Holocaust : A Secret Plan1445 Words   |  6 Pagescommonly vial situation. The Holocaust, a term referred to the explanation of the alleged massacre of six million Jewish people, is often labeled as a conspiracy. Those who tag the 1900’s Holocaust as a hoax are frequently known as ‘Holocaust Deniers. Debating Holocaust denial includes arguments such as holocaust documented facts, practice of things such as gas chambers, falsely proclaimed amount of Jews essentially murdered, and illegalization of holocaust denial. The holocaust took place in GermanyRead MoreThe Holocaust Denial1324 Words   |  6 Pagessociety to improve. The Holocaust, one of the most well-known history events, represents a perfect historical example of discrimination and racism. However, a number of people started to deny the known facts of the Holocaust and even the event itself. Despite of what these people say and how convincing their reasons are, this piece of history is to be protected from being revised; evidence of the Holocaust strongly proves the existence of the Holocaust and that Holocaust denial is a sheer absurdityRead MoreThe Jewish Genocide in World War II Essay850 Words   |  4 PagesAfrican-Europeans, homosexuals, and mentally or physically disabled people. This certain genocide was named The Holocaust, or â€Å"Sacrifice by Fire† (Holocaust Facts). There are also more recent genocides, like the Rwandan Genocide located in Africa, a land where warlords and murderers control whole countries and kil l there people for sport, or their beliefs. But let us focus on the Holocaust, a Genocide where one man and his fellow officers was capable of killing 11 million people with their influenceRead MoreThe Secrets And Personal Thoughts1279 Words   |  6 Pagesconnections with recent responses to the Holocaust. In The Multiple Distortions of Holocaust Memory, Manfred Gerstenfeld writes that in recent years, there have been many attempts to manipulate the history of the Holocaust. Some forms of manipulation of this history include Holocaust Promotion, Prewar and Wartime Holocaust Equivalence, and Holocaust Denial. There has been much attention brought to Holocaust denial in the past several decades. Denials of the holocaust and the mass killing it inflicted haveRead MoreWorld War II And The Lies We ve Been Told1330 Words   |  6 PagesTold In many schools, students are taught about events that happened worldwide which changed history forever. They are taught about tragedies so that people will never repeat the mistakes. One of these horrendous tragedies is World War II and the Holocaust. People across Europe and the surrounding countries were being persecuted and murdered. Today, this event is learned through facts, photographs, and videos. For many, it is hard to deny the evidence. However, it has been theorized that all of thisRead MoreHolocaust : The Holocaust And Holocaust1328 Words   |  6 PagesThe Holocaust The holocaust is a term originally referred to a religious rite in which an offering is incinerated. But today, has another meaning; is any human disaster of great magnitude and importance, mainly refers to the extermination of the Jews who lived in Europe conducted by the Germany government. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Jewish community was improving their situation and their rights equalized to those of other citizens in most European countries. But despite this, these peopleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel Night By Elie Wiesel882 Words   |  4 PagesThe Jewish Holocaust was a traumatic event that took place from the early 1930s to the mid 1940s. During the Holocaust, the Germans believed that they had racial authority among other civilians. Under the rule of Adolf Hitler, the NAZIs targeted Jews and other groups due to their perceived racial inferiority. For instance, they persecuted Jews, Gypsies, Elderly, Mentally Disabled, and Homosexuals (etc.) because they believed that they did not portray the behavior of the so-called â€Å"social norms†Read MoreAnalysis Of The Book 1984 By George Orwell1369 Words   |  6 Pagesincredibly harsh, the winners often put euphemisms in textbooks to hide the terror that they instilled during war. The term that describes the Ministry of Truth in our modern society is Historical Negationism. This term mainly refers to history denial and distortion. Almost all countries try to paint a better image for themselves whether intentional or not. Historians themselves could be caught on by partisanship and bias and result in writing exaggerated accounts. Countries with stronger centralized governmentsRead MoreThe Rights Of The European Union1190 Words   |  5 PagesWikipedia, historical revisionism is â€Å"either the legitimate scholastic re-examination of existing knowledge about a historical event, or the illegitimate distortion of the historical record.† Negationism is a type of historical revision that right to be forgotten laws are in danger of encouraging. Examples of negationism include Holocaust denials and the romanticizing of antebellum slavery in the United States. By allowing and enforcing the deletion of truthful information (no matter how unfavorable)Read MoreOriginal Sin1617 Words   |  7 Pagesof the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent persuaded Adam and Eve to disobey this commandment. This led to several dire consequences, including the loss of intimate fellowship with God, mans susceptibility to physical death, a distortion of the relationship between the man and the woman, a predisposition to sin, and the loss of mans harmonious relationship with nature.# All these consequences were inherited by Adam and Eves descendents. The experience of original sin, and the

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Jean Piaget’s theory of child development along with...

Section A- Literature Review Jean Piaget’s theory of child development along with effective learning methods and teaching strategies used in secondary school classrooms with particular attention paid to science A child’s developing mind1,2,3 Without a doubt, Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was one of the most influential child psychologists. In his day he was at the forefront of research into child psychology and even today, his word is cited by many in the profession. The constructivist theory (see later) in particular has many of its roots seated in Piaget’s early work. Initially a biologist, Piaget was interested in the way in which organisms adapted to their environment. His initial theories on this subject led him to conclude that a†¦show more content†¦This stage normally lasts until the end of a child’s second year. Six sub-stages make up the sensorimotor period which overall involve the development of reflexes, coordination and symbolic representation. The first sub-stage is the development of reflexes, the reflexes of a newborn child appear to be concentrated on those reflexes that will be important in later life, such as the sucking reflex and the palmar reflex. The reproductive nature of these reflexes also causes a general rise in sucking on objects between meals or sucking new objects. Towards the end of this stage a child will develop recognitive assimilation ie, will gain the ability to distinguish between a bottle and nipple from other objects. The second sub-stage sees the introduction of conditioned reflexes and habits. Perhaps the clearest example, though not the most relevant, is that of Pavlov’s dog. In this experiment every time a dog was given food a bell was also sounded; because of the food the dog started to salivate. After a while, once the dog associated the sound of the bell with the food, the bell was rung without any food being given, yet the dog continued to salivate. However, after a brief period the food-bell association died off and the dog no longer salivated upon hearing the bell. The third sub-stage sees the development of hand eye coordination. Because of this a baby

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Definitions of Free Essay Samples Pdf

Definitions of Free Essay Samples Pdf All you write on paper is considered. It isn't important to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. Possessing an outline will enable you to organize your ideas and provide you an idea of direction on how your paragraphs should flow into one another. Thirdly, you need to ensure the truth of writing. The Ugly Secret of Free Essay Samples Pdf Just open our English essay example and discover out what's written in an essay and the way that it is written. The principal issue to be cautious about in personal descriptive essay is that there shouldn't be any over-exaggeration. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might want to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so you may have more idea on what things to put in the college essay you will create. While writing an essay for an english class may appear overwhelming it does not need to be. Some might also find it hard to tackle these assignments since they may lack the info necessary to supply the scholarship essay in time. You will need to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. That means you can order for our high school scholarship essay examples without needing to be worried about your private info. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writing. By taking into account both your objectives and your own personal taste, it'll be easy that you identify which kind of school is best for you. Besides the things you should always bear in mind, in addition, there are some items which you shouldn't do when creating the content of your college essay. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Essay

Analysis of The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson was made in order to give the colonists a way to break free from the shackles of King George. This document has affected the building blocks of the United States and is one of the most important documents in U.S. history. The Declaration of Independance was the foundation of what this country was based on. However, what Jefferson and the other signers might not have expected is the strech, the firm words, would have across the world. The document made such an impression because it was a new and differnet way of dealing with political issues, and they werent asking for anyones permission. It was the first document unlike anything in American†¦show more content†¦This portion of the Declaration as well notes the effort that had been made to easily reconsicle differences since many Americans still felt an attachment to England being the place they origonated from. England ignored the colonies due to the feeling of betrayal, a nd left them to fend for themselves. This neglect was fuel added to the fire. In the conclusion of the Declaration the representives and the people of the colonies of the United States of America had noticed the current arangements that needed to be changed in the government system and intended to take affirmative action immediately. The end of the document discloses these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown. The outcome to the Declaration also includes the support they have for this document, that they vow to protect it and pledge their lives and honor. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most significant documents in the history of the United States. It has completely and forever changed the structure and foundation of our country. The Declaration gave purpose to the Revolutionary war. It was a justified reason to revolt against a government that no longer assured us our rights. It shows that they didnt go to war withoutShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence.1343 Words   |  6 PagesRhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is arguably the most important historical work of the pre-modern era. Because of this document, America was recognized for its brash, albeit just demands for independence from Britain. Aside from the obvious historical significance and precedence of the document, its composition was constructed in such a way that conveyed the determination of a new nation to be one in its own. Historical context and rhetoricalRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis1639 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Declaration of Independence† Rhetorical Analysis Essay Composed by Thomas Jefferson and the representatives in the general congress on the historic date of July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was an expeditious response to the many acts legalized by the British Parliament prohibiting the colonists’ freedom, and a dismissal of a partition to the King by the First Continental Congress. Not only did it oppose British acts of tyranny, but it was also an incentive for many other universalRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence1678 Words   |  7 PagesState the purpose, the audience, the tone, and the speaker of the declaration The purpose is to outline the wrongs the King of Britain and Britain have committed against the colonists, and why this has caused them to want to separate from Britain. The article is written directly for King George III, but it was also for the country of Britain and the thirteen colonies to read, as well as the world to see the separation of the colonies from Britain. The tone is clear and rational, yet it is evidentRead More Argument Analysis - Declaration of Independence Essay778 Words   |  4 PagesArgument Analysis - Declaration of Independence In May of 1776 a resolution was passed at the Virginia Convention in Williamsburg that asked the thirteen American colonies to declare the United Colonies free and independent from the British crown. At the second continental congress the resolution passed and on June 11, 1776 a five-man committee led by Thomas Jefferson was established to write the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776 the members of the second continental congressRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis830 Words   |  4 Pagesdrafting The Declaration of Independence. Jeffersons belief in the aspects of natural law played a huge influence on the reasoning behind The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independences Preamble is a significant appeal to logos on the grounds of egalitarianism and natural law. His many appeals to logic set the basis for why he believes the thirteen colonies need to secede from Great Britain. Appeals to Pathos: Thomas Jefferson and the drafters of The Declaration of Independence madeRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis800 Words   |  4 Pages the father of our Declaration of Independence, had the same mentality as him in seeking for freedom. Jefferson decided to write this document as a way of declaring the independence of the United States from Britain. In the document, he states all the harm that Britain has done to the colonists: socially, mentally, and economically. Jefferson just like the colonist wanted peace in their lives, and freedom from the tyranny of King George III. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson usesRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence960 Words   |  4 PagesThe Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. The document announced that the colonies regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states no longer under British rule. T he writers of the Declaration expressed ideals stating that men are created equal and that all men have basic human rights given to them by God. The purpose of a government, according to the Founding Fathers, was to protect the basicRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis804 Words   |  4 Pages In the second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence is one of historys most regularly quoted passages. â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.† (Jefferson) The Declaration motivated the colonist to seek independence from from the King of Great Britain. Even though the Declaration was trying to point out a positive outcomeRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Essays1206 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Quang Thai Professor Allison English 101 2 September 2014 Rhetorical Analysis In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States, explains to his readers why the colonies chose to abolish Great Britain’s government. His goal is to inform the readers that the government has certain responsibilities to the governed and that the British failed to adhere to its responsibilities to its colonists. His second goal is to justify their actions by explainingRead MoreThomas Jefferson Declaration Of Independence Analysis2088 Words   |  9 Pages(A critic and political analysis of Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence) Jefferson loved books and more especially classical ones† (Beran). Journalist and lawyer, Michael Beran, makes a clear reference to Thomas Jefferson, and his love of books. Books are what educated Jefferson and pushed him to become the great educated man the world knows today. Jefferson was born April 13th, 1743, during a time when to be educated, ment a person could comprehend the great classical books of human

Alibaba Competing in China and Beyond Free Essays

Case: Alibaba Competing in China and Beyond Electric commerce (e-commerce) is the buying and selling of products or services over an electronic medium like the internet. The advantages of e-commerce are speedy transactions, less travel, low operational costs, ability to reach a large customer base, and round the clock buying and selling. Some of the disadvantages of e-commerce are the minimum amounts of customer to company interactions which leads to trust issues, e-commerce is prone to fraud and theft, and there is no guarantee on product quality. We will write a custom essay sample on Alibaba Competing in China and Beyond or any similar topic only for you Order Now In a market like China, it’s important to understand the local culture, values, the political government, and the language. The political government in China has a major impact on the Internet companies in China. It is important for e-commerce companies in China to understand how to successfully launch a Chinese language website or design a search engine that would suit the complex language. In order to gain an edge amongst their competitors, international companies must seek out local help to understand the local culture and values, the language, the consumers, and how to deal with the politics of the region. Alibaba, founded by Jack Ma, is a website which allows for buyers and sellers all over the globe to engage in electronic business transactions. Alibaba played a major role in bringing the Internet Revolution to China. Ma achieved this by allowing small and medium-size enterprises (SME) in China to benefit from cross border trade through his website. Alibaba made their money from the 21 million users who paid annual subscriptions. Alibaba established itself when the Chinese Internet industry was still in its infancy. This was the perfect opportunity for e-commerce companies because of the lack of competition. However, the competition that they did face were Global Sources and MeetChina, which were also launched in 1999. In order to gain a competitive advantage in the B2B market Alibaba did not charge fees for any transaction. That was a strategy that critics were skeptical about. However, Alibaba built a customer base that would end up to be unrivaled. What made Alibaba so successful was its ability to rapidly adapt to current market trends in China. In the dotcom bubble burst Alibaba reformulated their strategy to concentrating on improving its business in China rather than focusing on global markets, they moved the headquarters back from Shanghai to Hangzhou, and they would concentrate on the richest regions in China. Foreign companies saw opportunity in China’s expanding e-commerce market. One of those companies was US-based eBay Inc. , who entered China by acquiring stake in Shanghai’s EachNet. com for $30 million. Ma then launched Taobao to rival eBay in the Business to Consumer (B2C) and Consumer to Consumer (C2C) market. Again, Taobao employed the free concept strategy to attempt to build a consumer base by offering free listings on their website. Alibaba also developed a promotional strategy for Taobao in which they advertised through online ads and billboards. Taobao also had a unique feature where users can e-mail and chat with each other onsite unlike their eBay counterparts who concealed sellers identity and only offered communications through offline messaging. Taobao also addressed the trust factor during online transactions between buyers and sellers by developing AliPay, similar to Paypal. The first mistake that eBay Inc. made was that they based their business strategy on the US business model. What works well in one region will not work in others. Ma quoted â€Å"We knew that someday, eBay would come in our direction. † indicating that Alibaba had done their research and they were prepared for the arrival of any potential rivals. After cornering 79% of the market shares in China, eBay soon found itself in fierce competition with Alibaba when Alibaba made quick marketing adjustments. Bay ‘s other mistake was that they entered China assuming that they have a global product. What they failed to realize is that the Taobao product was designed for the local consumer while eBay’s product was more product based, meaning they are more concerned with how to get more consumers to use their product rather than does this product fit the consumers wants and needs. eBay declined to drop their auction fees and failed to improve consumer interaction on their webs ite to compete with Taobao. eBay should have focused more on the local strategies that other local business use. They could have done this if they were more consumer driven and aligned with the local environment. eBay should have went through the process of environmental scanning. They should have conducted an analysis of their current and potential competitors to find out what their goals and strategies are and what are their strengths and weaknesses. eBay’s lack of knowledge and ignorance of the local market left them unprepared for rapid change that local businesses employ. Foreign competitors fail to enter the Chinese market because they lack the nderstanding of the language, the culture, and they lack the ability to adapt rapidly to change. Foreign companies can address this issue by preparing a strategy for entry such as organize ways to enable fast communication and processes for quick business decision making. They should hire within the country to adopt the workers who have a understanding of the local culture and values. They should be prepared for change and learn to adapt wit h the local market trends and prepare a plan of action to react faster. How to cite Alibaba Competing in China and Beyond, Essay examples

Make Prostitution Legal Essay Example For Students

Make Prostitution Legal Essay Prostitution Theory 101by Yvonne Abraham with Sarah McNaughtFew things have divided feminists as much as the sex industry. Theoristswho agree on a vast swath of issues economic equality, affirmativeaction, even sexual liberation often find themselves bitterly opposed overpornography and prostitution. Most 19th-century feminists opposed prostitution and considered prostitutesto be victims of male exploitation. But just as the suffragette andtemperance movements were bound together at the turn of the century, sotoo were feminist and contemporary moral objections to prostitution. Women, the argument went, were repositories of moral virtue, andprostitution tainted their purity: the sale of sex was, like alcohol, both causeand symptom of the decadence into which society had sunk. By the 1960s and 70s, when Betty Friedan and Germaine Greer assertedthat sexual liberation was integral to womens liberation, feminists werereluctant to oppose prostitution on moral grounds. Traditional morality, Greerargued, had helped to repress women sexually, had made their needssecondary to mens. That sexual subordination compounded womenseconomic and political subordination. Today, some feminists see hooking as a form of sexual slavery; others, as aroute to sexual self-determination. And in between are those who seeprostitution as a form of work that, like it or not, is here to stay. Radical feminists such as lawyer Catharine MacKinnon andantipornography theorist Andrea Dworkin oppose sex work in any form. By the 1960s and 70s, when Betty Friedan and Germaine Greer asserted that sexual liberation was integral to womens liberation, feminists were reluctant to oppose prostitution on moral grounds. Traditional morality, Greer argued, had helped to repress women sexually, had made their needs secondary to mens. That sexual subordination compounded womens economic and political subordination. Today, some feminists see hooking as a form of sexual slavery; others, as a route to sexual self-determination. And in between are those who see prostitution as a form of work that, like it or not, is here to stay. Radical feminists such as lawyer Catharine MacKinnon and antipornography theorist Andrea Dworkin oppose sex work in any form. They argue that it exploits women and reinforces their status as sexual objects, undoing many of the gains women have made over the past century. Others detect in this attitude a strain of neo-Victorianism, a condescending belief that prostitutes dont know what theyre doing and need somebody with more education to protect them. Some women, these dissenters point out, actually choose the profession. Feminists who question the antiprostitution radicals also point out that Dworkin and MacKinnon sometimes sound eerily like their nemeses on the religious right. Phyllis Schlafly, a rabid family-values crusader, has even cited Dworkin in her antipornography promotional materials. This kind of thing has not improved the radicals image among feminists. At the other extreme from Dworkin and MacKinnon are sex-radical feminists like Susie Bright and Pat Califia. They argue that sex work can be a good thing: a bold form of liberation for women, a way for some to take control of their lives. The problem there, though, is that the life of a prostitute is often more Leaving Las Vegas than Pretty Woman (see Pop Many feminists fall somewhere in between the rad-fem and sex-radical poles. Wendy Chapkis, professor of sociology and womens studies at the University of Southern Maine and the author of the Live Sex Acts: Women Performing Erotic Labor (Routledge, 1997), is one of them. For nine years, Chapkis studied prostitution in California and the Netherlands, as well as in Britain and Finland, and conducted interviews with 50 sex workers. Chapkis says she sees the profession as it is: many of her interviews confirmed much of the ugliness that radical feminists abhor, as well as the empowerment that sex radicals perceive. I dont think prostitution is the ultimate in womens liberation, she says. But I think its better understood as work than as inevitably a form of sexual violence. What prostitutes need, she argues, is not a bunch of goody-goodies looking down on them, but decent working conditions. Chapkis believes prostitution should be decriminalized. Just because it can be lousy work doesnt mean it should be stamped out, she argues. After all, she says, there are lots of jobs in which women are underpaid, underappreciated, and exploited. Criminalizing the profession just exacerbates prostitutes problems by isolating them from the law and leaving them vulnerable to abusive pimps and johns. In a profession where women traditionally are not treated well, arent empowered, and should be able to go to the police for protection and assistance, she says, we make the police an extra obstacle, another threat. In the Netherlands, by contrast, where prostitution is decriminalized, police and prostitutes are on the same side: hookers speak at police academies to educate the officers about their work, and Chapkis says the communication pays off in safer working conditions for the women. But what .