Thursday, October 17, 2019

What challenges for the television does the internet pose How do these Essay

What challenges for the television does the internet pose How do these challenges impact the information society Discuss the strengths and weaknesses - Essay Example It is surprising that each of the above is still relevant and have their own following and preferences by people. The level of public interest in each of these has been constantly changing. In fact â€Å"The average person spends more time listening to the radio than watching TV, according to the latest figures.† (Radio More Popular Than TV. 2001). There is no real evidence that any of the above will become redundant in the near future even though the internet has grown in capability to such an extent that it can include all the other three into its fold. This paper is an attempt to study the threat of the internet on TV. In the process the paper will try to provide answers to the following questions Since both the above are closely related to the society, it will be studied with reference to one of the prominent social theories that have been introduced during the same timeline mentioned earlier. The theory that will be used in this instance is Marxism Karl Marx was unarguably one of the most influential thinkers of the modern history. (World Marx The Millennium’s ‘Greater Thinker’. 1999). Arguments may arise as to the positive or negative impact the theory propounded by the man, but no one can deny that it had an influence on social, political and economic aspects in the society. Revolutions took place in many part of the world, governments and monarchy were toppled and countries went to war over the issue. The Russian monarchy of the tsars disappeared because of the revolution. â€Å"For Russia just as for the other European countries, Marxism expected and urged the great Russian bourgeois revolution which would follow the path of the English and French revolutions, just as the one in 1848 which inflamed and shook all of Central Europe.† (Marxism and Russia: Russia Against Europe in the 19th Century. 1997, p.9-24). The United States fought alongside

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