Saturday, September 7, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 11

Management - Essay Example This paper identifies how increased competitiveness creates opportunities for change and how it impacts the manager’s role. One particular management theorist suggests that contemporary managers, in the face of rising competition, must be results-oriented by identifying specific goals as part of the planning process, measure whether these goals have been achieved, and determine whether or not the end results led to peak effectiveness and efficiency (McLean, 2006: 16). This suggests a manager who must make careful use of internal strategy whereby goals are identified and internal staff members are aligned to meet business needs as part of a planning model. Effective measurement of whether goals have been attained could include a total performance management system which provides employees with reward for maximum contribution toward meeting goals or offering criticism or training in the face of subordinate inability to assist the business. As one example, it would seem that in an environment where a business has a great deal of external competition, the manager must remain focused on achieving maximum prod uctivity by effectively controlling the activities of workers and assessing their progress. Additionally, employees seem to be a considerable resource for making a company more competitive. McHenry (2008) identifies that increased competition also comes in the form of whether or not a business sustains top talent under a talent management model. This model suggests that managers must consistently assess the business structure to look for opportunities to motivate staff members to meet long-term goals. The author identifies that effective talent management, as part of management planning, involves maximising career opportunities for workers and also assessing whether the current recruitment and selection criteria is designed to bring the business top talent over that of competing businesses (McHenry). This talent management model would seem to point

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