Saturday, August 24, 2019

Planning a Training Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Planning a Training Program - Essay Example It was identified particularly in the case of organizations that in order to carry out the regular operations effectively, the employees or the workforce needs to be in a constant process of learning. The requirement of this constant process or learning could be considered as an assurance which could also be regarded as a kind of support for conducting training programs (Caffarella, 2002). The aspect of action entails initiation of the response from the individuals engaged with the organization towards the mentioned promise with the help of budgetary along with distribution of other resources. The action also helps in ascertaining the definite engagement towards the education as well as training function. In certain organizations, there exist employees who are keen on looking or finding ways of enhancing their service. In such kind of organizations, actions are perceived to exist in the range of activities associated with education as well as training. The process of training would a lso ensure the distribution of the knowledge which facilitates organizational as well as individual learning. This aspect of distribution of knowledge remains to be a great concern for the management of the organizations which is attained with the help of proper education as well as training programs. The planners supporting or substantiating the need of such programs and in terms of differentiating the planning framework calls for the requirement of focusing increased concentration on the way of bringing individuals together and in seeking encouragement from the organization. The mentioned need of support also entails the aspect of help from the broader environment in which the considered organizations operate (Caffarella, 2002). There have been mentioned to be a few definite plans that makes certain of the assurance or encouragement from the individuals. Individuals have been categorized on the basis of groups and they have been mentioned to be supervisors, top-level managers, lea rners and middle-level managers. Apart from the facet of encouragement, it is also considered necessary to develop or build support from the organization. The organizational support entails taking into concern the essentiality of such training as well as education programs along with facilitating a certain kind of organizational culture which would encourage the constant progress and learning (Caffarella, 2002). In the process of establishing support from the individuals for training as well as education programs there are certain kinds of individuals who need to be engaged while developing a framework for the process. The individuals who require to be entailed are the present and the budding learners, in case of organizations or field of work, the supervisors of the budding applicants, the senior and mid-level managers related to the supporting organizations, at times need to even entail the board members along with the different stakeholders displaying vested interest. This intere st could be related to the planning procedure or in case of the consequences or the outcome derived from such programs, for instance, the funding agencies or the grassroots’ group of people. In numerous organizations, there exist certain definite vital individuals who need to be constantly tapped for the reason of encouragement, particularly in the instance of planning

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