Thursday, July 25, 2019

Food Chain Diagram Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Food Chain Diagram - Coursework Example This feature enhances photosynthesis. The panther on the other hand has tough claws and jaws, which enhances their hunting skills. In an event, there occurs water pollution in a form of oil spill, the producers, which is the lily, will be affected directly since oil will reduce the lily leaves exposure to light and hence reduced rate of photosynthesis. A reduced rate of photosynthesis will reduce the population of the lily in the waters (Simon et al, 2013). The deer will experience a food shortage and hence reduced population in the ecosystem due to migration and death for those who fail to adapt. The panthers and the opossum will also reduce in number. This leads to the distraction of the organism natural habitat. The consumers may move due to the fear of human activities as results the number of producers overcrowding, thus showing short-term effect. As they, increase the competition for nutrients available resulting to the death of the weak species hence creating imbalance in the ecosystem. The energy pyramid indicates decreasing levels of energy up the hierarchy. The producers indicate a higher level of energy as compared tertiary consumers. Energy transfer from producers to consumers takes place interdependently (Simon et al, 2013). The producers sources its energy form the sun and transfers to consumers (Ecosystem Assessment Project, 2000). Primary consumers are herbivorous and the secondary and tertiary producers being

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